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The overall goal is to enhance substitution of SVHC in articles by increasing the market demand for SVHC-free articles and supporting industrial actors to identify SVHC in their articles.

Project is financed by Fenderal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, and Federal Environment Agency of Germany.
Project partner: Baltic Environmental Forum – Germany (BEF).
This project enable Serbia to be external partner of the LIFE project AskREACH

The objectives of this project are the same as the objectives of the LIFE AskREACH project and these are:

Ovim projektom se Srbija uvodi u red partnerskih zemalja projekta LIFE AskREACH, kao eksterni partner. Ciljevi ovog projekta su isti kao i ciljevi LIFE AskREACH projekta i to su:

Raising consumer awareness on SVHC in articles and enabling the consumer to make a choice between SVHC-free and SVHC-containing articles to protect his health and the environment..
Providing the consumer with an easy-to-handle and quick tool (smartphone app) to undertake the request for SVHC information in order to cease the current frustration of a maximum waiting period of 45 days until the answer by the supplier is received. 
Raising awareness and compliance of article suppliers on SVHC in articles and communication obligations under REACH to foster better implementation of Art. 33 by industry.
During the project, a database will be developed which can be filled with information on SVHC in articles by article suppliers. The database will then be connected to a smartphone application (app) which consumers may use to obtain information on SVHC in articles. If the desired data are not yet available in the database, an information request is automatically sent to the article supplier. (UBA).
The campaign will be replicated later in other regional non-EU countries Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.