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Serbian GPP Virtual Knowledge Centre

Overall goal:

The project envisions developing and making publicly available accessible GPP Virtual Knowledge Centre (GPP…

Saznaj Više

Project goal:

The project aim is to launch the civil sector initiative in Serbia…

Saznaj Više

The objective of the project is to enhance the substitution of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)…

Saznaj Više

The objective of project is to promote awareness of the public’s right to know which chemicals are…

Saznaj Više

The objective of the project is to strengthen the ability of ALHem to communicate advocacy messages and…

Saznaj Više

The objective of the project is to foster and contribute to development of green public procurement (GPP)…

Saznaj Više

Achievements: Established sustainable system for core functioning and financing; Established networks and built capacity of CSOs dealing with…

Saznaj Više

Achievements: Strategic documents developed (Strategic Plan for 2015-2018 and Further ALHem Organizational Development, Fundraising Strategy, Communication Strategy); Internal/legal…

Saznaj Više

ALHem je u avgustu otpočeo implementaciju projekta „Jačanje kapaciteta i strateškog partnerstva za bezbedno upravljanje hemikalijama u…

Saznaj Više

Serbian response to global Mercury Treaty

Achievements: Building capacity related to the Minamata Convention and global risk of mercury; Strengthening cooperation between authorities, scientific community,…

Saznaj Više
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