Project goal:
The project aim is to launch the civil sector initiative in Serbia for accelerating adoption of the phthalates restriction in products, i.e. the transposition of EU Regulation 2018/2005 in national regulation. Laboratory testing of products from the Serbian market for the presence of phthalates restricted in the EU preceded the launch of the initiative. Additional goal of this research was to gain insight into the extent to which companies meet the obligation to inform consumers in accordance with Article 27 of the Law on Chemicals when they request information if products contain substances of very high concern. The test results are presented in the report “Soft Plastic, Harsh Truth”. The project is being implemented by the Safer Chemicals Alternative (ALHem) in cooperation with the Czech organization Arnika – Program on Toxic Chemicals and Waste.
Donors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the Transition Promotion Program