Overall goal:
The current regulation in Serbia related to the ban/restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment dates back to 2010 and is not in compliance with the EU directive 2015/863/EU (known as RoHS III), which bans/restricts the use of 4 phthalate compounds and applied in the EU since 2019. In other words, there is already a five-year delay and a great risk that consumer goods that have been withdrawn from the EU market will spill over into the Serbian market and the market of the Western Balkan countries.
The aim of the advocacy process towards the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which we intend to carry out within this project, is to harmonize domestic legislation with this EU directive.
Considering that, in addition to the responsibility of the competent authorities and industry, the functioning of the system of proper chemicals management also requires the involvement of the civil sector, as well as the citizens themselves, we plan to implement this advocacy process together with our constituency base, which are youth organizations, organizations for youth, young activists, consumer protection organizations and environmental CSO, as well as individuals who are motivated and ready to engage in solving this problem, with the support of the wider community, media and citizens.
Implementation period: March 2024 – February 2025
Donors: The project is part of the “Strength of Activism” Programme funded by the American Agency for International Development – USAID and implemented by CRTA (Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability), together with the TRAG Foundation and the KOMS (National Youth Council of Serbia), the Feminist Cultural Center BeFem, the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation and the Serbian Philanthropic Forum.