Project goal:
The aim of the project is to support ALHem for advocacy activity in order to further develop the framework for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) for the period after 2020 (SAICM-Beyond-2020-Framework). SAICM identified important issues and created a multi-sectoral platform and multi-stakeholder process for action; however, the overall goal has not been achieved, and the progress achieved is insufficient and is mostly limited to the collection of information and the adoption of only a few specific measures to reduce risks.
Harmful impacts on human health and the environment from the exploitation of raw materials, production, use and disposal of chemicals still exist. This is why a new agreement is needed, a global framework for the period after 2020, which should ensure an ambitious reduction and prevention of harmful chemicals and waste at the global level, and which will bring about real changes, including the implementation of safer alternatives.
With this project, ALHem was supported to strengthen the advocacy initiative at the international, regional and national level to reach decision makers and other relevant actors using communication and advocacy tools of civil society organizations: joint letters, position papers, webinars, online and live meetings ; cooperation with CSOs, as well as participation in international meetings aimed at preparing a new global framework, as well as at the next International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn in September 2023.
Implementation period: 1.12. 2021. – 30.11.2023.
Donors: Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection of Germany. The project is implemented by HejSupport together with several civil sector organizations, including ALHem from Serbia.